Mono > Stereo in Logic Pro

If you're having trouble finding certain plugins in Logic Pro, it could be due to how Logic Pro handles Mono > Stereo plugins.

Logic Pro will automatically hide any plugins that output a specific width that is not compatible with a plugin later in your chain.

So, if you are using a plugin that can only accept a mono input, Logic Pro will not show you any plugins that output stereo if you try to load it before the mono-only plugin in your chain.

The following are the widths for Nuro Audio plugins:

Plugin Inputs Outputs
Xvox Mono, Stereo Stereo
Xvox Pro Mono, Stereo Stereo
Xvox Comp Mono, Stereo Mono, Stereo
Xvox DS Mono, Stereo Mono, Stereo
Xvox Tone Mono, Stereo Mono, Stereo
Xvox Space Mono, Stereo Stereo
Xvox SFX Mono, Stereo Stereo
Xrider Mono, Stereo Mono, Stereo

So - if you load a different plugin later in your chain that only accepts mono, then try to load a Nuro Audio plugin before that plugin, Logic Pro will only show you Xvox Comp, Xvox DS, Xvox Tone, and Xrider. This is because Xvox, Xvox Pro, Xvox Space, and Xvox SFX are all stereo outputs.

All Nuro Audio plugins can accept both mono and stereo inputs.